Parent and teacher interviews this week!
There is still time to book a slot with your child's home room teacher for Monday or Tuesday this week - just use this link:
Here's what you need to know about the format of the interviews:
Interviews are for 15 minutes each, so please be on time for your slot, and ensure you leave promptly when your 15 minutes is over so you don't encroach on another parents time.
If you find you need longer, you can get in touch with the teacher to arrange another time.
If you have more than one child at our school, please don't book back-to-back interviews - leave a gap between them. This will ensure you don't lose valuable teacher time walking to your next interview.
If you need a refresher on how to access Linc-Ed, click here for step-by-step instructions:
It is really important that you do make a time to come and talk so that you have a full understanding of where your child is, as the snapshot is just that - it is not the whole picture.
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