5 a day challenge for Māori Language week:
Our Rāpare (Thursday) challenge is all about the weather!
Kei te pēhea te āhua ō te rangi? - What’s the weather like today?
paki - fine wera - hot makariri - cold hukapapa - snowy ua - rainy marangai - stormy mākū - wet tau te kohu - foggy pupuhi te hau - windy (the wind is blowing) Kei te mahana. It’s warm. Kei te pupuhi te hau. It’s windy (the wind is blowing). Raumati – summer Ngahuru – autumn Takurua – winter Kōanga – spring
Not sure how to correctly pronounce words? Type it in here: http://maoridictionary.co.nz/ and then click the speaker button to hear it spoken.
Our Rāapa (Wednesday) challenge is all about naming our body parts! Test your child and see if they can name their body parts: Pāpāringa – cheek (on face) Makawe – hair Rae – brow, forehead Kaullenge - is all about our learning spaces - challenge yourself to use te reo Māori rather than the English words in the learning community:
Our Rātū (Tuesday) challenge - is all about our learning spaces! Challenge yourself to use te reo Māori rather than the English words in the learning community: Kura - School kaiako - teacher tamariki - children iPapa - iPad pukapuka - book mahi - work whare pukapuka - library tēpu - table pene - pen papamā - whiteboard tūru - chair
Our Rāhina (Monday) challenge is to practice and use greetings:
Nau mai – welcome
E noho rā – farewell (from a person leaving)
Haere mai – Welcome! Enter!
Haere rā – farewell, goodbye (from someone staying)
Hei konā rā – farewell, goodbye (less formal)
Ka kite – see you again, see you soon (informal)
Kia ora – Hello, hi, greetings; term of acknowledgement or thanks
Tēnā koe – formal greeting to one person
Tēnā kōrua – formal greeting to two people
Tēnā koutou – formal greeting to more than two people
Mōrena – good morning (also atamarie)
Pōmarie – goodnight or good evening
Tēnā tātou katoa – formal inclusive greeting that includes the speaker
Māori Language Week is a time for all New Zealanders to celebrate te reo Māori (the Māori language) and to introduce and use more Māori phrases in everyday life. This year the theme is 'Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori' - 'Let's make the Māori language strong'.
Our challenge to everyone at our kura (school) is to use at least 5 words or phrases each day - and we will send a phone app each day to remind you!
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